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Outpatient Drug Rehab

outpatient support group

Many adults have children or a family to care for, are the only working party in a relationship, or otherwise cannot take weeks or months out of their normal routine in order to receive treatment for drug addiction.  For those who are ready to achieve long-term recovery goals without the invasiveness of an inpatient drug rehabilitation program, outpatient drug rehab can help.

Like residential treatment programs, outpatient drug rehab focuses on helping the individual to learn how to abstain from using drugs or alcohol throughout various situations that can occur throughout the rest of their lives.  The tools & education that is gained during outpatient drug rehab can be used throughout the rest of an individual’s adult life to build stronger relationships, better family bonds, reduce the risk of future drug or alcohol use and stay sober.

For help finding a support group or outpatient drug rehab near you, call 1-800-895-1695.

Our helpline is available 24/7 to assist you in finding quality outpatient drug rehab programs, support groups and care that can work.  Counselors and rehab specialists are standing by to take your call and answer any questions that you may have about addiction, treatment & recovery.

What is Outpatient Drug Rehab?

So what is outpatient treatment and how can it help?  Despite the fact that outpatient treatment is slightly different than inpatient treatment in that there is no housing or around-the-clock care provided, the goal between the two types of treatment is always the same:  to help patients recover from drug addiction in a way that will help them to re-enter into society as a successful, recovered individual who will lead a healthy, drug-free life.

The primary difference between inpatient drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab is the level of monitoring and support that is provided from one method of rehabilitation to the next.  For instance, inpatient drug rehab offers around-the-clock monitoring while outpatient rehab is a less invasive, less monitored method of addiction treatment.  Within this, there are many programs of outpatient drug rehab and some provide a much more supportive environment than others.

What Services are found in Outpatient Drug Rehab?

Every outpatient drug rehab program is different so the program that you choose may or may not have the services listed below.  This is just a partial list of some of the services that are commonly found in outpatient drug rehabilitation programs:

  • Individual & group counseling & therapy
  • Educational classes
  • Men’s support groups
  • Women’s support groups
  • Spiritual guidance and support
  • Short-term aftercare
  • Long-term aftercare
  • Life skills classes
  • Socialization skills and groups
  • Drug screenings either random or non-randomized
  • Advocacy within the legal system
  • Sober living placement assistance
  • Medical treatment
  • Relapse prevention

For help finding quality treatment for your needs, call 1-800-895-1695 today.

Many different outpatient drug rehab programs are available throughout the country to provide immediate access for those suffering from addiction.  If you’re looking for help, call our helpline toll free at the number above to find out what types of support and care are available in your area.  Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week–there’s no better time than now to seek help.

Who Benefits from Outpatient Drug Rehab?

Not everyone will experience profound benefits from outpatient drug rehab.  In fact, for some, this method of treatment is not as effective as it could be.  However, for those who are mildly addicted to drugs or who have already completed an inpatient treatment program, outpatient drug rehab provides a smooth transitional program for support, aftercare and guidance.  Patients who may not be able to get help for their addiction in an inpatient program can also find great benefits in the treatment that is provided in an outpatient drug rehabilitation program.  Rather than disrupting an individual’s entire life, outpatient treatment can provide education, support and care in an environment that is conducive to allowing the patient to continue to work, go to school or maintain home balance while also getting help for their addiction.